OITETP-0003 Tactical Planning Survey

OIT Annual Tactical Planning Reporting Feedback Survey


OIT Tactical Planning considers your feedback valuable and essential to define process change and possible improvement with the Tactical Planning Reporting process.  Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey below and submitting it to us.

Respondent Information

OIT Annual Tactical Planning Reporting Feedback Survey


Tactical Planning Experience

1. How many years have you engaged in the Tactical Planning reporting process?
2. Did you participate in Tactical Planning Sessions or have experience in managing work to Tactical Planning in previous positions
3. Were you trained?
4. Did the training result in a working knowledge of what is required to effectively manage work done in alignment with Tactical Planning?

OIT Annual Tactical Planning Reporting Feedback Survey


The Annual Tactical Planning Process

5. Is it difficult to compile the necessary data needed to complete plan status?
6. Do you find it is difficult to compile the necessary data within the time allotted?
7. On average, how long does it take you to complete the necessary updates?
8. Is there enough information available for you to easily do the work?
9. What tools do you think could better assist you in completing your annual tactical planning reporting? Select all that apply.

The following questions are about NJ Executive Order 225 and Circular 24-04-OMB/DPP/OIT.

You can read Executive Order 225 here: https://nj.gov/infobank/circular/eocc225.pdf

You can read Circular 24 here:  https://www.nj.gov/infobank/circular/cir24-04-OMB-DPP-OIT.pdf?v=2024-01-04

10. Are you familiar with Executive Order 225?
11. How do you see Executive Order 225 impacting the Tactical Planning Process in place today?
12. Are you familiar with Circular 24-04-MB/DPP/OIT?
13. How do you see Circular 24-04-MB/DPP/OIT impacting the Tactical Planning Process in place today?
14. If you selected change for the above 2 policies, what would you expect to change?
15. From a rating of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate the overall ease of use of the current process?

OIT Annual Tactical Planning Reporting Feedback Survey


Tactical Planning Unit - Process Impact

16. Do you process Procurement Requests?
17. Do you have immediate access to the Agency Tactical Plans?
18. Is it clear when reviewing Tactical Plans what funds are available to support a procurement request?
19. Are plans monitored and funds adjusted within the plans as each procurement is processed?
20. In your experience, would you say project managers or project sponsors seeking approval for procurement are aware of what funds are available within the project budget?
21. Have you seen Tactical Planning Unit requirements cause a delay in your Agency's procurement or RFP deadlines?
22. Have you been required to provide additional documents to support approval or a request?
23. Do you have access to other resources who can assist with documentation if unavailable?
24. Have your own procurements or RFP's been delayed for additional information requested by the Tactical Planning Unit?
25. How often has a new Tactical Plan or updates to an existing Tactical Plan been requested by the Tactical Planning Unit?
26. Are you or others responsible for creating or updating Tactical Plans to support a procurement request?
27. How often do you see delays in your procurement requests from a Tactical Planning Unit review?
28. On average, how many days does it take to resolve a Procurement EPU action item?
29. On average, how many steps does it take to resolve an EPU action item delaying your procurment?

Thank you for your support and assistance, your feedback is very important to us.